Thursday, September 07, 2006

the morning enlightenment.

for my readers out there (jared and rique), i would like to share some special moments in the friendship of me and ria. moments that warm up my heart and bring a tear of laughter to my eye. one of these moments in particular occurred this morning on our long journey across the gravel to the world of science. better know as life sciences building. not so much a world, but instead a building. anyways. we saw lydia, a personal favorite, and ria noticed her rocking shoes. well, we all know how ria gets sometimes. the english major comes out and shes suddenly all contemplative. asking deep questions like "so if the 80s have come back in style, then does that mean that the 90s are coming back around too? are we going to be grunge again?" of course i respond smartly. its just my nature. "do what?" ria: "are people going to start wearing flannel shirts?" cori: "luke still wears flannel shirts." ria: "but luke is a mountain man. PAUSE. is like nirvana going to come back?" cori: "first of all nirvana cant come back. kurt killed himself and dave found a new band."

a little runaway kid has just passed me in dacus
laughing like a crazy mad man. anyways, back to the show.

cori: "besides, we havent really gone back to the 80s. guys today are wearing boat shoes like 60 year old men, and girls are wearing pearls like 85 year old women." ria: "so we've gone back to the 50s and the 80s. the 60s and the 90s are next. what a weird combination." cori: "not really to me. they pretty much all didnt bathe."

the end.

by the way, i'm going to be attempting to maybe sometime follow the advice of my education professor and see about setting up a new teacher blog. currently thinking about the title and pondering the content, so we'll see how it goes. but nonetheless, look for it in the link column. farewell.

Monday, September 04, 2006

another autumn.

i like drinking water out of teacups.
it stays colder longer that way.
i like watching birds migrate south for winter
in huge flocks from a tinted window.
i like pumpkin spice lattes
with layers of whipped cream
and pumpkin shaped cookies to compliment.
i like a musical background
that fits any activity.
i like having ria within a voices reach,
along with wearing front-pocketed hoodies.
i like the idea of fall,
the hope of leaves,
and the promise a good, strong cold
just around the corner.