Tuesday, August 09, 2005

and in the pulse there lies conviction. a steady push and pull routine.

so i know i've already posted this evening
but i discovered this song
by maria taylor, who was a part of the duo azure ray.
its called song beneath the song. i absolutely love it!
her voice is so...mature, soft but strong. gives me goosebumps.
anyways, i was listening to this song
doodling or whatever else
and suddenly it seemed like the song really meant something to me
it felt like this perfect song,
that if i was the star of a tv show, it would be on the soundtrack.
and theyd play it in the background while i was
walking down a city street
contemplating all the drama in my life,
or while i was hanging out with friends, laughing and drinking coffee.
all the other noise would fade
and only the song would left
so this group of girls watching the show could look it up and buy the cd.
listen to the song, you'll understand what i mean.
or maybe i really do make no sense.
either way...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

oh i love you cori.