Tuesday, October 04, 2005

i will follow you into the dark.

a different quote for a different day...
"yemen is the way to calvary"

you can blame that one on melanie, death cab, and cinnamon toast crunch.

p.s. rias back. my heart is warm again.


Anonymous said...
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* said...

your right, cori. i didnt get it. but yemen is a fun word to say. yemen. yemen. yemen. one would almos think it was the plural for "yam". heh.

serenacorine said...

maybe someday, if i remember, i'll explain it to you. i think you'd really get a kick out of it.

* said...

did i say your? i meant you're.

ps. ok!

serenacorine said...

and you said almos. you're totally not the english major i thought you were.

p.s thanks again for the innocence mission. it makes me feel all light-hearted and carefree inside. and well, thats always nice.

* said...

see, cori, "almos" is derived from the greek root word meaning "always" or "most days", so when i say "almos think" i mean that on most days, one would think such and such.

[cough, ahem]

and youre most certainly welcome. im glad you like it.