Wednesday, November 02, 2005

there are no bad words for the coast today.

in my dreams i see myself hitting a baseball
in a green field somewhere near a freeway
i'm all tan and smiling
and running from third base.

another day in the life of me.
another organic chem test under my belt.
i actually think it went pretty well,
not as well as before, but still good.
which is really surprising. i mean,
am i not suppose to be failing right about now?
the only thing that bothers me
is the fact that i havent showered this morning.
i think ria is starting to rub off on me.
and also that i've been in the library a total of...
hold on, let me calculate...
approximately nine hours since monday night
and its wednesday morning. bah.
i noticed that i think its funny when people
first come into the library.
they unload everything. books. jackets. bags.
they sit.
and they immediately start pumping themselves
up for the studying that lies ahead.
its like they have to brace themselves first.
on two separate occasions this morning
i thought i saw both jake and jared
on colorful mopeds around campus.
they dont even have mopeds.
i know i did see mr stephen and mr mike
on their long boards this morning while walking to class
and the first thought that came to mind...
i know the coolest people ever. yeah.
been singing rilo kiley for the past 5 days.
its kinda getting old, but the freaking awesomeness
of it outweighs the redunancy.
i should work on my english project now.

its sixteen miles to the promised land
and i promise you
i'm doing the best i can.
now dont fool yourself
in thinking you're more than a man
cause you'll probably end up dead.
i visit these mountains with frequency
and stand here with my arms out.
now somedays they'll last longer than others
but this day by the lake went too fast.
and if you want me, you better speak up.
i wont wait.
so you better move fast.
dont fool yourself
in thinking you're more than you are
with your arms outstretched to me.
now somedays they'll last longer than others
but this day by the lake went to fast.
and if you want me, you better speak up.
i wont wait.
so you better move fast.

1 comment:

* said...

man, i WISH i had a moped (and, uh, im one of those coolest people ever, right? ok dont answer that). ive also discovered that i actually like the upper level of dacus as a place to study. mmm. books.