Wednesday, December 07, 2005

camp something something. we hold you in our hearts.

tasha is packing.
in december.
i'm like "where the heck is she going?
its just christmas break"
and it feels weird.
she also keeps skipping by my doorway
while i'm typing this
which makes me laugh.
i guess i'll miss her.
ok joke.

i'm beginning to see
that the more i hang around this place
(campus i mean),
the more it feels
like summer camp.
without the summer weather
and the paddle boats.

i dont even know why i write in this anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you write in this still, Cori, because you are awaiting those few, but precious moments when I stay up til 4am and read your blog for the first time in many moons.

that, and because...
i dunno