Wednesday, April 26, 2006

He will make all things new.

last night was nothing but an overflowing of love and uplifting. and i only have to thank the Father for that. a beautiful image of destruction. a mighty tool, a sledgehammer if you will, sent on a mission to take every dark and evil thing apart. rip every sinful place of my heart into the smallest and most indescribable pieces and then blow them all away. powerful winds coming though just to clean it all up. to get rid of all the dirt. and i am left empty. but immediately new construction begins. a building up of walls and structures and trust. hope and mercy placed into every brick. and the white walls. you cant imagine walls that white. a place, a location with an outpouring of light that can only be equal to its outpouring of love. and each room is something new. a new fruit, a different way to serve and worship, another aspect of the Father. haha and you think that's cool? no matter where i go, there he is. every room...he's there. just chilling, hanging out in the deepest places of my heart. basking in his work. in his glory. in the new construction he has made in me. but you wanna know what i realize the more and more i look at him, the more and more i spend time with him and get to know him? i remember him. he's been there all along. before the white walls and the new bricks and the peace and the calm. he was there among the rubble, among the destruction, among the darkness. of course he was covered in light (duh) but he even there, in those conditons, he chose to chill with me. the only difference then, was i chose to cover him up.


alaterfriend said...

cori, thank you for sharing your heart, praise our daddy. the images you share are blessings. i'm so thankful to see those things and i'm so encouraged. there is so much more! much care to you my sister. you truly are beautiful, i hope that you believe that more and more. You are loved by our God! rique

* said...

woo hoo!

serenacorine said...

you three...:)
and thats pretty much all i can say.

*notice how i left out victor69joan. thats cause he (or she, not sure which) pulled my pigtail and stole my lunch money. so obviously we're not friends anymore. so take that vic.