Thursday, October 12, 2006

you can use my skin to bury secrets in.

i realized very briefly today - i say briefly because my thoughts lately seem to be more and more hyperactive and scattered - anyways, realized briefly that several funny and memorable moments that have occurred on this beautiful campus have involved rollerbladers. and please do not ask me how i came to this realization so randomly because it would force me to admit that i am a mean and hateful person. but yes, rollerbladers. a treat to all. a laugh and delightful joke to some. and well, i guess you could call me some.

theres really no reason for posting. especially at this hour, when i desperately need sleep and rest. i've been somewhat out of sorts lately. a bit sad in parts of the days, and of course with me, the sadness is always unexplainable. there just seems to be an outstanding joke or fascinating inside story that no ones felt the need to let me in on yet.

i'm excited for fall break and for the chance to go home. i miss my family in times like this. and God always seems to provide the chance to see them most when i start acting like a selfish fool. talk about blessings for the poor and weak.
the weekend will be busy with people to see and occasions to attend to - distant "friends" coming from distant lands and a wedding ceremony complete with the whole gang. i look forward to returning to school on saturday, but i will savor the moments until it comes.

break for fall everyone cause autumn is coming fast.


Anonymous said...

i like that you rhyme a lot cori. and i know how you feel, sadness and unexplainable go hand in hand here with me too. especially today, as beautiful as it was, it took a lot of energy to keep from crying. blessings to you at home, i look foward to seeing your ever so delightful face again, my close friend, present band mate and eternal sister. rique

* said...

are you as sad as i am that the maskeddefective has laid his blog to rest? in the words of pumba, our trio's down to two. at least he still leaves comments, though. the man lives on!