Saturday, July 14, 2007


look what i found online tonight.
apparently jim halpert loves ben gibbard and pedro
just as much as i do.
he flew down to nc to hang out with ben and david
while they are on their tour.
here are some pics i found...

and guess where they are standing...
the one and only cat's cradle in carrboro, nc.
and i've been there!
why couldnt they have been there when i was there?
or why couldnt i have gotten tickets to that show?
now, that is just ridiculous.

well, i'm sort of outraged by all that.
but i will meet ben one day.
just you wait.

boston trip blog will be along sortly.
pictures even sooner than that.

1 comment:

Jake Page said...

just wanted to leave you a little something on here in celebration of having your wisdom teefs taken out. CONGRATS!

hope your trip in boston was good, and hopefully by the time you read this message, your surgery deal will already be over and then you won't have to dread it anymore...