Wednesday, April 26, 2006

He will make all things new.

last night was nothing but an overflowing of love and uplifting. and i only have to thank the Father for that. a beautiful image of destruction. a mighty tool, a sledgehammer if you will, sent on a mission to take every dark and evil thing apart. rip every sinful place of my heart into the smallest and most indescribable pieces and then blow them all away. powerful winds coming though just to clean it all up. to get rid of all the dirt. and i am left empty. but immediately new construction begins. a building up of walls and structures and trust. hope and mercy placed into every brick. and the white walls. you cant imagine walls that white. a place, a location with an outpouring of light that can only be equal to its outpouring of love. and each room is something new. a new fruit, a different way to serve and worship, another aspect of the Father. haha and you think that's cool? no matter where i go, there he is. every room...he's there. just chilling, hanging out in the deepest places of my heart. basking in his work. in his glory. in the new construction he has made in me. but you wanna know what i realize the more and more i look at him, the more and more i spend time with him and get to know him? i remember him. he's been there all along. before the white walls and the new bricks and the peace and the calm. he was there among the rubble, among the destruction, among the darkness. of course he was covered in light (duh) but he even there, in those conditons, he chose to chill with me. the only difference then, was i chose to cover him up.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

note: correction.

it was brought to my attention
by an english major
that my last entry was slightly misleading...

i am freaking awesome
and i am going to the show.
that is all.

(thanks jared:)

at least i spelled your name right.

so have you ever noticed
that sperm
when drawn in a cartoonish manner
really looks like a balloon?
my male reproduction physiology notes
tell the truth.

or that people that attend soccer games,
you know the nationally televised ones,
are the loudest sports crowds ever?
i watched a soccer game today
and the commentator guys were awesome
cause one was from scotland
and the other from ireland.
and i decided that not only
is my future husband going to be an architect
from yemen
but he's also going to have
an irish accent.
that'll be so hot.

those of you out there that read this
...aka rique and jared...
may sure you see missing you dearly in concert
clover - april 21st - i think around 8.
be there or
be totally not freaking awesome
like me.

Monday, April 10, 2006

the sunday after there was laughter in the air.

yesterday was delightful. and thats the best word my small vocabulary can muster. just delightful. my mother-church and praise-turn your ear to heaven-moes-money-milk and cereal-lost pictures found-starbucks-cookies-recording-laughter-confidence. all of the perfect ingredients for a delightful day. big realization in church. already kinda knew it before but more evident now. more easier to bear. to swallow. not really big on specifics at the moment, but if know where to find me. done with the next to last chem lab of my entire life (with fingers crossed) and the biggest smile on my face. followed by chewing (left over spring cookie). easter soon. resurrection a blessing. as well as salvation. and family. and school. and church, no matter what form it comes in. also a blessing...the barely there A in organic chemistry that has been achieved. count me as beyond cool. last night there were too many expectations placed upon myself by myself to sound like perfection. but now theres an understanding of the perfection in imperfection. the need for relaxation and the ability to let it float. and theres learning in how to love my voice when it doesnt do what i want it to. not much sense made in this entry but at least i get it.

take notes now: in grand tradition,
the old rugged cross will be sung at my funeral.
preferably by patty griffin, or at least a sound-alike.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

i hate the phone but i wish you'd call.

currently in the library.
sitting at a computer screen almost
but not quite
directly behind jared and he doesnt know it.
makes things interesting.

today is a beautiful day,
partly because the weather is slightly cool
with a huge sun
and i'm wearing a skirt which is probably
the most freeing thing a girl can do.

the wind presents a problem though
especially with a wrap around.
however, i've grown to love the wind lately.
yes, there are tangled bangs
and the chance of flashing someone,
but when i'm walking back from the library
after hours of organic chem
and i close my eyes...
it almost feels like i'm at the beach.
and this is vacation.

and last night i had the most peaceful
hour i've had in the absolute longest time.
after getting back from starbucks
i laid on my bed
with the window down
and the wind blowing through the curtain
(or blanket in my case)
and listened to damien rice.
i even fell asleep at one point.
can we talk about glorious?
more like beautiful.

things are slightly stressful
mostly bored and fatigued
and ready for home.