Monday, April 10, 2006

the sunday after there was laughter in the air.

yesterday was delightful. and thats the best word my small vocabulary can muster. just delightful. my mother-church and praise-turn your ear to heaven-moes-money-milk and cereal-lost pictures found-starbucks-cookies-recording-laughter-confidence. all of the perfect ingredients for a delightful day. big realization in church. already kinda knew it before but more evident now. more easier to bear. to swallow. not really big on specifics at the moment, but if know where to find me. done with the next to last chem lab of my entire life (with fingers crossed) and the biggest smile on my face. followed by chewing (left over spring cookie). easter soon. resurrection a blessing. as well as salvation. and family. and school. and church, no matter what form it comes in. also a blessing...the barely there A in organic chemistry that has been achieved. count me as beyond cool. last night there were too many expectations placed upon myself by myself to sound like perfection. but now theres an understanding of the perfection in imperfection. the need for relaxation and the ability to let it float. and theres learning in how to love my voice when it doesnt do what i want it to. not much sense made in this entry but at least i get it.

take notes now: in grand tradition,
the old rugged cross will be sung at my funeral.
preferably by patty griffin, or at least a sound-alike.

1 comment:

alaterfriend said...

yes cori, please please please let it float, i put it on my ipod for some personal listening and well let's just say i'm almost afraid to add any effects, i fell asleep to you singing Dear Refuge of My Soul on Repeat and then heard it a few times this morning and then around campus on the mini.

Thank you so much for letting me out of everyone else hear you, i'm so grateful that you feel comfortable enough around me to find your voice. It's definetly an honor. Blessings my sister. And keep laughing i hear it's good for the heart.
your big brother and bandmate Rique.